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Panang Curry Sauce
If you are a beginner at curries, Panang Curry Paste is the way to go. It's not too hot and slightly sweet. It's great with vegetables, chicken, and seafood.
Panang Curry Burger
Spicy Panang Curry mixed with fragrant basil makes one delicious burger.  Top with sweet and spicy Sweet Chili Sauce for an extra Thai treat!
Poached Panang Salmon
The sweet, milder flavor of Panang Curry pairs nicely with this succulent fish.  Combined with wine and lemon it has a sophisticated flavor.
Mixed Vegetable Curry Stir-Fry
This spicy vegetable curry is a tasty vegetarian alternative to a meat entrée.  A Taste of Thai Panang Curry Paste adds just the right flavor.  If you like less heat … start with only one half box of Panang Curry.
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